"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." Mother Teresa

According to the World Health Organization there are some 900 Million people globally at the level of starvation. 18,000 people die every day because of this growing problem. This blog will highlight the areas around the world we are currently working feverishly to end these avoidable deaths and bring stories of happiness and hope for the future. Join us in creating a perpetual feeding machine that not only saves lives, but provides an income stream for you and your own family at the very same time.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our Cambodian Efforts

Thanks to the generosity of XANGO Distributors in making this program possible, XANGO has already donated more than 700,000 pounds of nourishment to those in need in Cambodia.  
  • Since the Meal Pack program launched in October 2007, XANGO Distributors have already provided almost 800,000 meals to those suffering severe malnutrition around the globe.
  • Click here to read how Meal Packs are being used efficiently in Cambodia.
  • Read about the latest trip to Cambodia by Scott Smith, Sr. VP of Distributor Relations, and Glenn and Gayla Sparks, 200K XANGO Distributors.