"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." Mother Teresa

According to the World Health Organization there are some 900 Million people globally at the level of starvation. 18,000 people die every day because of this growing problem. This blog will highlight the areas around the world we are currently working feverishly to end these avoidable deaths and bring stories of happiness and hope for the future. Join us in creating a perpetual feeding machine that not only saves lives, but provides an income stream for you and your own family at the very same time.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

3 Million Meals Provided!

 3 Million Meals Provided!

It took us over 2 years to reach the 1 Million Meal mark (Dec. 2009) and then we have gone BLASTING BY the 2 Million Meal mark just 6 months later to 3 MILLION MEALS and growing!

Our collective efforts has now reached 3 Million Meals Provided since October, 2007 thanks to people like me who are purchasing the Meal Packs and focusing on creating a network of givers!

Join our team and be proud of what you contribute to this worthy cause. It is with great numbers we will see an end to world hunger.

We need you, but they children of the world need you more.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Double Your Charitable Giving By Increasing Your Income

I've been an entrepreneur my entire life. (I'll be 40 in May.) Charitable giving is part of my DNA. And, as a successful business woman, I felt it imparative to give back to the community and various charities. For more than 25 years I have made regular donations and, also, volunteered at several non-profit and not-forprofit organizations. Giving my time and money to help others has always been gratifying, filling me with a deep sense of self-worth. If you've ever volunteered then you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Recently, I found a way to turn my charity work into something more. I became a Social Entrepreneur. That means the work I do helps other people in dire need, it also helps every day average people earn incredible income, and it accomplishes all that while creating an income for my family. 
Now I help triple the number of people with the same amount of effort and time spent.

My charitable giving has been able to more than double because of my involvment in this worth-while, truly amazing project. Because I earn more, I can give more. Because I work from home, I have more time to volunteer at my favorite charities. Because I help others create their own wealth, even more people are being blessed by this project for Social Good.

Take the time to learn how you can bless others while providing for your own family. It's an incredible opportunity to do some real good for real people.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Social Entrepreneur In You: Together We Make A Difference

The Social Entrepreneur In You: Together We Make A Difference: "As a social entrepreneur, doing social good is much more important than the money earned. Sure, it's nice to be able to make money while at ..."

Together We Make A Difference

As a social entrepreneur, doing social good is much more important than the money earned. Sure, it's nice to be able to make money while at the very same time feeding children who would otherwise die of malnutrition. But, our partners understand that the main reason for building a network of people dedicated to wiping out world hunger is that by reaching out to other humanitarians our goal will be achieved that much faster.

Imagine going to Cambodia, El Salvador, Africa, or some other country where the children have absolutely no way of feeding themselves. In many cases they live on the streets without parents or anyone to care for them. They are starving. You can change that.  

By joining our team of social entrepreneurs you not only can make a difference, you absolutely do make a difference. Do social good, and with your new great wealth, allocate a higher percentage of your earnings to other charities near and dear to your heart.

Together we make a difference in the lives of millions, one child at a time.